About / Contact Me

murray-peck.JPGHi, my name is Murray and welcome to my Soccer Coaching Guide. Soccer is a passion for me. I have played and been involved in the game in some form for all my life. I have coached and managed both my sons teams for a number of years and have recently been involved in managing a state senior representative team. I have been involved in the committee of our local soccer club for the last three years and been elected as president for the last two.

I am an experienced youth soccer coach and have completed my youth soccer license. I have learn’t from watching the game being played at a high level and applying the basic principles of soccer to coaching youth. Coaching has certainly given me a whole new perspective of how the game is played both from a physical perspective as well as a tactical view. Coaching has also given me some insight into how kids react in different situations and also how parents react. It can certainly be tough being a soccer coach and a soccer parent!

I want to use this guide as a means of sharing my experiences and knowledge with you and offering tips and advice on such things as fitness, nutrition, coaching, soccer gear and anything else to do with soccer. If you are a new coach or a parent, hopefully you will find this advice helpful or if you are an experienced coach, it might help to reinforce something you already know.

Let me know of any coaching stories and experiences that you have and I look forward to talking with you again soon.


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